jan 2024


Friday afternoon, January 26, 2024, trauma surgeon Patrick Schouwenberg, trauma surgeon Tessa Biesheuvel and Christo Motz, in collaboration with two medical students, organised two workshops Extreme Outdoors, 45 minutes each, for in total 50 medical professionals during the RESUS NL conference in Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

Tessa Biesheuvel is Head of department A&E AUMC - and VUMC, surgeon and HEMS.
Patrick Schouwenberg is surgeon, critical care physician and Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT).
Christo Motz is a Dutch international expert on hostile environment capabilities & resilience.

Shock and awe

After a short plenary start, the group was divided into two.
One group attended the skills station, run by Tessa Biesheuvel.
Patrick Schouwenberg and Christo Motz took the participants outside for a 15 minutes scenario training with two trauma patients.
After 15 minutes we rotated.
At the end we held a plenary evaluation.
The skills station and scenario training were received enthusiastically.

The link to RESUS NL and workshops

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2583 BJ Scheveningen (The Hague)
The Netherlands



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